Duration: January 2024 – December 2026
Bando: ERASMUS+ – Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances (ERASMUS-EDU-2021-PI-ALL-INNO)
Budget: 2,249,112.43€
Website: https://www.vtskills.eu/
VTskills is a project focused on viticulture in the Mediterranean area. It includes four universities, three VET institutions, and seven market actors. The aim is to promote the adoption of environmentally, socially, and economically responsible practices in the viticulture industry. Sustainable Precision Viticulture (SPV) combines Precision Agriculture and organic farming, enabling efficient technological use while maintaining a healthy agricultural environment.
VTskills reunites 15 partners from 5 countries :
Objective of the project
The project will create a new, transnational curriculum in viticulture studies that offers digital, green, and resilience skills to train HEI students, VET learners, consultants, managers, technicians, and farmers on SPV. The training courses will use a micro-credentials approach and will be tested in partner organisations. Partners will also design and test the VTskills e-demofarm, a new model of demofarm that features three primary components: formative (delivering challenge-based learning educational experiences), informative (referring to events and EU-funding opportunities that might benefit farmers), and demonstrative (virtualizing good practices already carried out by farmers).
The role of Resolvo
In VTSkills, Resolvo supports achieving the project objectives by ensuring overall quality assurance, smooth project management and by supporting partners in testing, evaluating and improving course designs and tools for trainers.