
Resolvo obtained results on several Local and European Programmes, supporting hundreds of private and public clients

Il progetto GEXTRECS – GOVSATCOM Extreme Events Crisis Management Service – è un progetto per la definizione e la dimostrazione di un servizio GOVSATCOM End-to-End a supporto della gestione delle crisi finanziato dall'Unione Europea nell'ambito del programma Horizon Europe. GEXTRECS è iniziato il 1°febbraio 2024 e si concluderà nel gennaio 2026.

MESEO – Multi Mission Efficient and Secure High Capacity End-to-End Earth Observation –  is a project on earth observation co-financed by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Programme. MESEO started on 1st December 2023 and will close in November 2026.

The OPUS project-(Open Universal Science) will develop coordination and support measures to reform the assessment of research and researchers towards a system that incentivises and rewards uptake of Open Science. OPUS understands the term ‘Open Science’ to refer to practices providing early and open sharing of research, open access to research outputs and measures to ensure reproducibility of results. Open Science involves citizens, civil society and end-users in the co-creation of research content.