
Resolvo obtained results on several Local and European Programmes, supporting hundreds of private and public clients

DISIRE "Integrated Process Control based on Distributed In-Situ Sensors into Raw Material and Energy Feedstock" is a european project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 framework - SPIRE PPP. The project started in January 2015.

PARTHENOS is a european project funded by the European Commission under the H2020 framework. The project started in May 2015. PARTHENOS stands for “Pooling Activities, Resources and Tools for Heritage E-research Networking, Optimization and Synergies”.

The project AIS LIFE project - Aerobiological Information Systems and allergic respiratory disease management has been approved for funding within the LIFE+ programme (2007-2013). Resolvo supported the Coordinator, University of Florence - Department of Agri-food Production and Environmental Sciences in the preparation and negotiation of the project.

The immense cultural heritage left to Europe by the Renaissance is famous across the world. But do we, as EU citizens, know enough about its European value both in historical terms and as a foundation of our present day union? The RenEU project, funded by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 and led by Tuscany Region, brings together 5 partners and aims to achieve a double objective:

ACCESSIT is a strategic project funded by Italy-France Maritime programme (2007-2013), with the overall objective of developing a network of cultural heritage through integrated management of common resources. The project creates a General Itinerary, which enhances the tangible and intangible heritage of the Tyrrhenian basin.

Responsible Med – Regional Policies for Responsible Development: evaluation of CSR and economic performance in the MED area – is a 24 month project funded by the MED programme for territorial cooperation. Il Responsible Med will develop an evaluation tool to be used by SMEs to measure and verify the economic impact of CSR approaches in their business and by public authorities to better ensure that their CSR policies promote company competitiveness.