
Resolvo obtained results on several Local and European Programmes, supporting hundreds of private and public clients

Resolvo is part of the management team of STEPHANIE – Space Technology with Photonics for market and societal challenges, a project funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme for interregional cooperation. STEPHANIE runs from 1 January 2017 and lasts 5 years, divided into a 3 year phase of exchange and 2 years of implementation.

Resolvo is part of the management team of TANIA– TreAting contamination through NanoremedIAtion, a project funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme for interregional cooperation. TANIA runs from 1 January 2017 and last for 5 years, divided into a 3 year exchange phase and 2 years of implementation.

Resolvo is part of the management team of MARIE – MAinstreaming Responsible Innovation in European S3, a project funded by the INTERREG EUROPE programme for interregional cooperation. MARIE runs from 1 January 2017 and last for 5 years, divided into a 3 year exchange phase and 2 years of implementation.

Resolvo is part of the team supporting the TrafficFlow project – – Analytics for Smarter Cities. TrafficFlow was approved as a Phase 1 project by the H2020 SME Instrument.

The project runs for six months, from May to October 2016, and foresees the development of a full business plan for the innovative CELSO product. CELSO’s overall objective is to enter the PT market as a low-cost, pocket AVM solution, with simplified installation and usage, which can perform even better than existing, expensive AVM solutions. Its clients will be public and private companies running transport services across Europe.

Resolvo supported the project owner, Memex Srl, in project preparation and is involved in the activities planned to develop the CELSO business plan.

Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

Resolvo is involved in the research project RESOLUTE - RESilience management guidelines and Operationalization applied to Urban Transport Environment, funded by the H2020 programme. RESOLUTE began in May 2015 and lasts for 36 months.