
Resolvo obtained results on several Local and European Programmes, supporting hundreds of private and public clients

VTskills is a project focused on viticulture in the Mediterranean area. It includes four universities, three VET institutions, and seven market actors. The aim is to promote the adoption of environmentally, socially, and economically responsible practices in the viticulture industry. Sustainable Precision Viticulture (SPV) combines Precision Agriculture and organic farming, enabling efficient technological use while maintaining a healthy agricultural environment.

NUTSHELL@CE - streNgthening pUblic TranSport to enHance accEssibility in ruraL centraL Europe - è finanziato dal secondo bando Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 del periodo di programmazione 2021-2027. La durata è di 2,5 anni, a partire dal 1° maggio 2024.

HYPERION - Hydrogen Uptake in European Regions – is funded in the framework of the second Interreg Europe 2021-2027 call for proposals. It lasts 4 years, from 1 April 2024 and is led by the Agency for the development of the Empolese Valdelsa (ASEV).

FutureECOS – Future-proof living space in growth corridor regions – is funded within the framework of the second Interreg Europe 2021 – 2027 call for proposals. FutureECOS started on 1 April 2024, lasting for 4 years, and is led by the Regional Council of Häme, Finland

DAPHNE – Decarbonising healthcare in EU regions – is funded in the framework of the second Interreg Europe 2021- 2027 call for proposals. It lasts 4 years, from 1 April 2024 and is led by the Tuscany Energy Consortium (CET, Italy).