May has been a month full of activities for the REC4EU partners.
First and foremost, the partnership has enlarged! The project is happy to welcome two new Discovery partners from Serbia and Albania that will make cooperation even more interesting. Resolvo has supported the Lead partner in the participation in the call for enlargement that made this possible.
Secondly, on 28-29 May 2024 partners met in Tampere (Finland) for their 3rd project meeting.
Resolvo designed and moderated all the sessions of the meeting. The initial focus was on the presentations of good practices in the form of an Elevator pitch. Among 13 good practices presented, the French CIRENA (CItoyens en Réseau pour des EnR en Nouvelle-Aquitaine), was voted as the most outstanding for the partnership since it shows a very inspiring practice to develop citizen initiatives!
Additionally, a participatory workshop was organised, with all the partners participating in a role play game. Divided into groups, they worked on developing persuasive messages targeting citizens, public authorities and businesses, so as to encourage their engagement in RECs.
This was an interesting first step in preparation for the REC4EU engagement path.