Blue Med Days
The 1 and 2 October 2015 in Bastia, at the Village Club Igesa La Marana, the Collectivité Territorial Racing organises the Blue Med Days, two days of working sessions, and networking activities, coordinated by the Pôle Mer Méditerranée.
The goal of the event is to present to SMEs and potential beneficiaries the funding opportunities of the new Interreg Programme Italy – France Maritime 2014-2020, through a new formula event.
In fact the participants can propose project ideas and organise themselves into groups to work together on them.
At the end of two days of work a jury composed of representatives of the territories involved in the Programme, the Managing Authority and the Pole Mer Méditerranée will select and award the four most promising projects by giving them a benefit of € 5,000 each, aimed at presenting the proposal to the Maritime Programme first call for proposals.
Registration for the event is free and can be online until 26 September.
More information and event program available on the site.