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The SET-UP project is holding its first meeting in Rennes (FR). 8 partners from 6 different countries gathered together to share their views about smart grids in Europe. The final objective of this project funded by INTERREG EUROPE is to improve ERDF policy instruments on energy. The focus of today discussion is on consumer engagement,...


The SET-UP project was invited to participate in the Interregional Cooperation Forum “Europe let’s cooperate” organised in Rotterdam by INTERREG EUROPE. Federico Sgarbi from Bretagne Développement Innovation shared his views on the project and on the Programme with other speakers, including the Programme Director of INTERREG EUROPE, Erwin Siweris.


INTERREG EUROPE has approved 64 projects out of 261 applications submitted in the framework of its first call for proposals. Resolvo supported 4 successful projects and will be involved in the management and coordination of their interregional activities. These projects cover several programme priorities, such as Innovation, Low Carbon and SME competitiveness. Have a look...


The third North West Europe call for proposals will be open from the 18th of April to the 27th of May. This will be a great opportunity to fund transnational activities aiming at delivering concrete results. A Project Idea Lab will be held in Frankfurt on the 7th of April and Info days devoted to...


The third call for proposals of the ERDF Programme has been launched by the London European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Committee. The three Priority Axes tackled by the call are: Priority Axis 1 – Research and Innovation – Investment Priorities 1a, 1b; Priority Axis 3 – SME Competitiveness – Investment Priorities 3a, 3c, 3d;...


INNOVATE UK – SMART UK based small and medium enterprises carrying out R&D projects can access the SMART funding competition. The SMART programme is managed by INNOVATE UK, with three types of grant available: • Proof of market – up to 9 months, maximum grant £25.000, funded 60% • Proof of concept – up to...


Startup Europe Partnership – H2020 Startup Europe Partnership (SEP) is a project funded in the framework of the H2020 programme. The aim of this successful project, which kicked off in January 2015, is to connect top European startups to Large Corporates thanks to the organisation of matching events. The next event will be held in...


The second call for proposals of the INTERREG North West Programme will be launched on the 19th of October. Yesterday, a project lab on innovation was organised in Birmingham (UK). A similar event focusing on resource efficiency was held in Rennes (FR) in September. The last project lab organised by the programme will be held...


After the third 2015 cut-off date for the SME instrument more than 2800 proposals were received by EASME. Italy, Spain and the UK were the top three countries in terms of proposals submitted. 1873 proposals were received for Phase 1 and 960 for Phase 2. Follow this link for further information!


The Italy-France Maritime Programme 2014-2020 launched its first call for proposal. The draft version of the application package is available for download here. The call is open both for simple projects and for integrated strategic projects covering Axis 1-2-3. The official deadline to submit the proposals is the 10th of December 2015.
