Latest News


The Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee has conditionally approved 54 projects from the 234 applications received for the third call for proposals. Resolvo supported the Lead Partners in preparing 3 of these projects: CYBER, CLAY and FEMINA. The list of projects can be found here and more information will follow soon!


A European event on Energy Transition will take place in Florence on the 27th of June 2018. Using a mix of interactive panels, keynote speeches and a business case competition, the event will bring together Interreg Europe projects with an interest in improved policy for the multifaceted topic of energy transition in Europe. The organisers...


Resolvo was with the partners of the AURORA project in Brussels, for their 4th Project Meeting. It was held at the headquarters of the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy BIRA-IASB. With initial results starting to emerge, partners discussed the best means of ensuring that project’s integrated approach is understood outside the partnership. This year the...


Resolvo participated in the Italian launch event for the calls of the H2020 Societal Challenge 6 “Europe in a changing world: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies”. The event was organised by APRE to give an overview of the calls foreseen in 2018 and to present the work carried out at European level on the development...


The partners of the ELISE project (INTERREG EUROPE) met in France for their 3rd Interregional Forum. The meeting gave them the opportunity to learn more about the Life Science Ecosystem that exists in Centre – Val de Loire Region. Partners worked on the common constraints identified at regional level regarding market, human resources, technical resources...


The European Commission published the final version of the H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020. In this framework, Horizon 2020 will provide investments of around €30 billion to fund research and innovation projects in Europe. The Work Programme is available here.  


The SET-UP partners (INTERREG EUROPE) met in Algarve for their 5thproject meeting. During the event, they had the opportunity to tackle issues that included Virtual Power Plants, energy storage, electric mobility, consumer engagement and the role of prosumers. The study visit to the Enercoutim Solar Demonstration Platform provided interesting insights related to micro grids, and...


Since its foundation, Resolvo is proud of developing and successfully managing European Territorial Cooperation projects with clients and partners form all over Europe. Working in this sector is an enriching experience that allows Resolvo’s staff members to help bring European regions closer by discovering excellence while facing language barriers and overcoming cultural misconceptions. Learning, sharing,...


AURORA (H2020) partners met in Athens for their 3rd project meeting. The first day was dedicated to a workshop focused on exploitation in the framework of the European Common Exploitation Booster. The following days were dedicated to exchange focusing on scientific aspects and including presentations on data simulation, data fusion, data assimilation and validation of...
