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INTERREG North Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 is about to launch its first call for proposals. The call will be open from the 27th of April to the 30th of June 2015. For the first call only, partners will be able to submit either a full proposal or an expression of interest. On the 25-26 of...


The Francigena Route in Tuscany was presented during an event organised by the Regional Government of Tuscany at the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels. The 380km path crosses territories rich of history, culture and natural heritage and allows visitors and pilgrims to discover Tuscany staying away from the main tourist routes. The investment made at...


The first call for proposal of the 2 Seas Programme has now been launched. The deadline to submit the Concept Note through the electronic exchange platform is the 16th of February 2015. The programme brings together the coastal regions of 4 Member States (France, United Kingdom, Belgium, The Netherlands). Given that the objective of the...

New INTERREG brand

INTERACT presents the new INTERREG logo that will help to raise the visibility of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes. Have a look at the promotional video!


URBACT III Resolvo participated in the URBACT Info Day in St Denis (FR). The main features of the new URBACT programme were presented with a focus on social innovation and sustainable development in cities. Furthermore, other programmes, including Life 2014 – 2020 and the cross-border programmes in which French partners (and depending on the funding...


This info day is focused on the H2020 calls for proposal related to the Societal Challenge “ Secure, clean and Efficient Energy” – deadline 4th of June 2015. Thanks to H2020, in 2015, around 100 M€ will be available for projects linked to the Efficient Energy topics (EE). The event is web streamed: link


More than 100 people took part in the final event of the SERPENTE project organised in Florence on the 21st of November. Local and European politicians were involved together with technical experts focusing on energy efficiency in public buildings. Elisabetta Meucci, Local Council of Florence, explained how project activities had an impact on local policy...

SERPENTE – Final conference

The final conference of the SERPENTE project, Surpassing Energy Targets through Efficient Public Buildings, will be held in Florence, Sala dei 200 – Palazzo Vecchio, on the 21st of November. Experts, politicians and civil servants from 10 EU countries will participate in the event. Project results will be presented together with Horizon 2020 opportunities related...
