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2158 organisations from all over Europe participated in the first INTERREG EUROPE call. The programme received 261 applications that will be assessed by December 2015. Project ideas focused on the four INTERREG EUROPE topics as follows: – 26% Research and Innovation – 31% Competitiveness of SMEs – 22% Environment and resource efficiency – 21% Low-carbon...


The conference organised in Florence raises awareness on our common European past by promoting a reflection and a debate on the EU dimension of the Renaissance as a phenomenon shaping our contemporary Europe. Thanks to the cooperation activities co-funded by the Culture Programme, the RenEU project delveoped cultural itineraries which brought the local and European...


The first call for proposals of the INTERREG EUROPE Programme is officially open! The programme supports policy learning to improve the performance of regional policies and programmes thanks to interregional exchange activities undertaken at EU level. The approved version of the application package is available here and partners can register online following this link. The...


The EU Sustainable Energy week took place in Brussels with the participation of stakeholders interested in renewable energy, energy efficiency and sustainable transport. EUSEW provided them with an opportunity to debate about the new Energy Union. Events will be organised during the whole month of June all around Europe. Check this link out for more...


URBACT III – Action Planning Networks The call for Action Planning Networks is open and will close on the 16th of June. Applications must be submitted online through the platform SYNERGIE-CTE. For the period 2014-2020, 2 additional calls for networks are foreseen. In the framework of the URBACT programme, partnership formed of a mix of partners...


The Application Package for the first INTERREG EUROPE call is available online. Partners can start preparing their application while waiting for the call to open officially. The deadline will be mid-July 2015. The Programme provides services to applicants in order to help them submit successful proposals (e.g. feedback on the draft ideas, seminars, FAQ). Info...


The Centre for London presented its report This is for Everyone: Connecting Young People and the Tech City Cluster (Sam Sims, Brell Wilson, Jess Tyrrell). The aim of the report is to identify constraints, good practices and recommendations in order to connect local talents looking for employment opportunities with Tech City digital businesses. During the...


The first call will be open from the 6th of April to the 18th of May. In the concept note to be submitted partners are requested to explain what measurable change they intend to achieve, why it matters to the North-West of Europe and which is the link to the NWE programme. The co-funding rate...


The North West Europe Programme organises a Project Ideas Lab in Lille. The event will take place on the 17th of March. Participants will have a chance to learn more about the new programme, to understand better the 2-step application process and to share ideas on specific topics. The first call for proposal will be...


URBACT III will be launched in Brussels on the 16th of March 2015. The event is a chance to learn more about the characteristics of the 2014-2020 programme and to interact with other practitioners involved in urban development. For further information click here: link
