AURORA Call for Ideas is open!

What is the AURORA Call for Ideas?
It is designed to engage European students in the debate about the use of satellite data to address today’s societal challenges. The competition is open to students from Secondary School level to University and PhD level. 3 Secondary School ideas and 1 university idea will win cash prizes.


What should I do to win?
Submit an idea for an application that uses satellite data and can have a positive impact on society. The focus is on Air Quality and UV radiation measurement


What is AURORA?
AURORA is a research project funded by Horizon 2020 in the Earth Observation field. Thanks to an innovative approach that links together research, technology and application, AURORA lays the foundation for the use of data that will become available after the launch of Sentinel 4 and Sentinel 5.
Resolvo supports the Lead Partner CNR-IFAC in communication and management.


Where do I get more information?
On the AURORA Web Page and in our promotional video.
